As a fellow rider who’s been on this road… I am sharing here on Steel Horse Veterans because it is just north of where I am based out of….

Details are from original poster on facebook…
A group of our friends, his co workers, and locals from the area are meeting up at Tom Cat sporting goods in kooskia to start a bigger search today Aug 13 grouping up around 9-1030am. Any help or extra eyes are very welcome. We are in a chevy suburban, if you see us on the side of the road.
We lost our friend Zachary DeMoss on our Motorcycle ride home to Montana the afternoon of Aug. 11th. Kooskia Idaho was the last place we made contact and the last transaction records state, he made on his card before he gave us a head start since he is the more experienced rider in our group of 3.(He caught up to us shortly after, and passed us right before the construction zone) We had planned to meet up the road about 50 miles anyways, or just head to Lolo Montana if all else failed. We saw just his bike pulled off the road, on Eagle Mountain Trailhead along the pass on Route 12 headed to Lolo Montana around 4:30pm in Idaho; we stopped on the next pullout but after about 5 Minutes we assumed he didn’t see us. We turned back for the trailhead we had saw his bike at. He, nor his bike were there anymore. We assume he turned back to find us after not seeing us, since we did not pass him on the way back to the trailhead. We were low on gas and our back tire was starting to show threads so we couldn’t go further back down the highway to where we came from to search further without getting in a wreck or broke down. After over 2 hours of waiting at Eagle Mountain Trailhead and leaving a large noticeable note in the pullout’s gravel, we continued on to Lolo as planned. We waited at the Cenex gas station right as you enter Lolo off the pass for over an hour; still no where to be seen. We flagged down every biker and car behind us at both the trailhead, a car accident we checked out on the way and at the Lolo gas stations; no one had passed him or seen him. We had a friend come with their truck and we drove back through the pass and back to Idaho, stopping at every single pullout and buisness along the way inspecting anything that couldve been an accident at some point, till about 4am. We saw no trace of a bike accident or Zach. None of his other friends or his parents have heard from him, we went to his house in Victor MT just south of Lolo, after searching and stayed there for a couple more hours and he did not come home. The pass has no service from Kooskia Idaho all the way to Lolo Montana, His phone has been going straight to voicemail all night and day. Idaho police have been notified and the search continues today. Any information on his bike, him, his wearabouts, or any bike accident or possible accidents along that route should be reported to Idaho police/highway patrol, Montana highway patrol, Me, or Devlin Zarn. His dog, family and friends are extremely worried. Please please please please any information or sharing this post to help us find our friend is appreciated. He could be badly hurt and we need to find him. It’s the only route, there’s no other road he could’ve taken, and he knows the route extremely well. Please help us find him. His bike is a Kawasaki Vulcan, black, engine size is 2000 so it’s a bigger bike. Has ape hanger handle bars and his handle grips have a large spike on each end. Has black Harley saddle bags, and a bunch of camping gear loaded on the back. Back left turn signal was slightly hanging off from earlier in the trip, but still worked. Montana license plate is HOGG. He had a bright white helmet with black designs on it. He was wearing the bluish grey long sleeve under shirt seen in the first photo, with a leather vest on top of it.
UPDATE: It’s officially been 24 hours since we last saw Zach, and even longer since we last spoke to him in person. Still no signs of him, phone is still going to voicemail. We are headed back onto the pass again, with his parents to search off the roads by the river. Search and rescue and police in both states have been notified.
UPDATE #2: 8/12/2024 11:11pm His phone is still going straight to voicemail. We are back in Kooskia Idaho and are camped out for the night, and will ask around the entire town in the morning, still didn’t see any signs of him so far. Search and rescue should finally be out here in the morning to aide our search. A few friends and a couple of his co workers will be out to help us knock on every door along the pass, and search along the way. Anyone who can ask around showing his picture or print out flyers and put them EVERYWHERE, on every windshield every lamp post, anything and everything, everywhere would be greatly appreciated as we continue our search on foot. We are exhausted and worried beyond belief. We need all the help we can get.
(Will keep updates on this original post)